⭐️ The Layers of your DOPC Membership
⭐️ Next Facebook LIVE: 7/31 at 12:00 PM MST
⭐️ Join us the NEW Lunch & Learn Online every Wednesday! This month 7/17 and 7/31
Well, with the Heat of July behind us (one can hope) and the recent COVID uptick coming down (one can hope) it’s time for a summer update on The Why at Direct Osteopathic Primary Care.
Why do we do what we do?
Because we care
We can’t, and won’t, stop learning
We love what we do
And we know what we do is important.
We have a precious and honored gift
To guide you through the perils of your health
To the peak of your own potential for perfection
And back again to balance
Finding the place where you can call home and find peace
In Your Health
With love ~ Dr Brie
Here’s what is new:
We invite you to see the layers at Direct Osteopathic Primary Care more clearly with our guide below so that you can see where our Why is taking us next.
We love our primary mission from 2016 to bring to Denver the first Direct Primary Care clinic that offers Osteopathy and our unique version of holistic care to the patient, you. We think of primary care as our foundational layer. The relationships we build with you, our members and families, deepen the roots of our practice and become our why week after week.
I am grateful to deepen the foundation of our practice by offering hands on Osteopathic Manipulation Treatments (OMT). Osteopathic manipulation comes from a lineage of healing physicians reaching back through my teachers, their teachers and the original teachers in the 1800s. The fact that you love it too, and seek it out, keeps Osteopathy alive today and for future generations. Thanks for having the students along for the ride when you can).
What we added on top in the fall of 2022 was the launch of our Healing Pathways Programs. These programs have actually always been part of what we do, but they have grown over time from “fun things we do on the side” to each program becoming a robust offering of their own, adding a truly beautiful dimension to the quality of our care.
Some people wonder why the programs aren’t included. Each program was developed with clinical expertise and advanced training that goes well beyond traditional primary care. Now, each program is bundled together with so many extras that there is just no possible way to include them in the setting of a small, affordable monthly membership. We know, when you go to a “regular doctor” elsewhere, this makes sense :) These deeper dives are our gift to you, our members. When you are up against something that needs more TLC and insight, usually, one of our programs will have you covered.
We built this “layer cake” in the image of a pyramid at first and thought, wait, something isn’t right?! 🤔 It’s actually a Venn Diagram! YOU are in the center. The whole reason we built this practice was for YOU! Our layers are woven all around you, your health can rest in the overlap of these layers, tailoring what we offer to what YOU need. Oh, and as a member, you get a discount on everything too.
We will get back to you as soon as we can.
We will get back to you as soon as we can.
We will get back to you as soon as we can.
We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Galleri Free Cell DNA Testing - A New Era in Cancer Screening
(now available at DOPC)
with Dr. Brie and Cat
Tune in on Tuesday 7/31. Our live session begins at 12:30 PM MST.
We will get back to you as soon as we can.
New!! Lunch & Learn sessions are now Wednesdays, check the schedule and the link to log on in the portal on the top in the announcement section. This is a special perk for DOPC primary care members only!
We started these sessions to dedicate time to answering questions drop in style as we know things come up and you don’t always want to wait for a phone visit that matches everyone’s schedule. The Lunch & Learn is time for Q&A style office hours, so drop in any time.
We meet on Google Meet and you can ask questions there OR you can submit your questions anonymously by heading to the patient portal prior to the session. Simply write a secure message to the Clinical Team with the subject: For Lunch and Learn. Last time we had a great spontaneous talk on testosterone in perimenopause the pros, cons, varieties, etc. We can talk about anything together!
Bring your lunch, hop on Google Meet, and let’s chat...
We will get back to you as soon as we can.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us: support@mydenverdo.com
We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Our family medicine team is committed to delivering an innovative health+care experience.
(303) 422-2236
(720) 360-0266
Lakeside Location
16 Lakeside Lane
Lakeside, CO 80212
Parker Location: By Appointment Only
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 5:00pm
8:00am – 4:00pm